Inside Iran’s Covert Operations : A Review of Iran’s Influence Efforts in America

As geopolitical tensions reach new heights and security threats become increasingly complex, understanding the reach and influence of foreign actors within the United States has never been more important. George Washington University’s recent research, titled Propaganda, Procurement and Lethal Operations: Iran’s Activities Inside America, published in October 2024, offers an analysis of the multifaceted strategies employed by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its network of proxies, often referred to as the Axis of Resistance, to undermine and destabilize the United States from within.

Overview of the Research

The study delves into three primary categories of Iranian activities within the United States:

  1. Lethal Operations
  2. Procurement
  3. Propaganda

These categories encapsulate a broad spectrum of actions ranging from targeted assassinations and procurement of sensitive technologies to extensive propaganda campaigns aimed at influencing public opinion and fostering ideological alignment with Iranian interests.

Lethal Operations

Iran’s history of conducting assassinations on American soil is both alarming and indicative of a long-term strategic approach to eliminating perceived threats. The research traces this history back to 1980 with the assassination of an Iranian dissident in Bethesda, MD. In recent years, the scope of targets has broadened to include not only dissidents but also US-based foreign diplomats and high-ranking officials.

A notable aspect highlighted in the report is Iran’s reliance on third-party operatives, often drawn from the criminal underworld, to execute these plots. This strategy provides Tehran with plausible deniability, complicating efforts to directly link the regime to these acts of violence. Recent examples of such activities include assassination attempts on regime critics like Masih Alinejad, a US-based Iranian dissident, and even targeting former high-ranking US officials like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. Such activities underscore the increasing sophistication and audacity of these operations, raising concerns about the potential for more coordinated attacks in the future.

Additionally, the study sheds light on Hezbollah’s role in these operations. Hezbollah, Iran’s oldest and most established proxy, has a deep presence in North America, with numerous individuals involved in operational support, including smuggling weapons and conducting surveillance. These activities are not only a reminder of Hezbollah’s resilience but also highlight the broader network’s capability to execute acts of violence across borders.

Procurement Activities

The report outlines the persistent efforts by Iranian-linked networks to procure sensitive goods and technologies within the United States. These procurement activities encompass high-tech equipment, dual-use technologies, and advanced software, all of which are critical for both civilian and military applications. Such efforts have often involved elaborate schemes amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars, making use of front companies, intermediaries, and other deceptive means.

One of the striking aspects of these procurement operations is the use of elaborate schemes to violate sanctions. Recent examples include smuggling electronic components for missile systems, and a network led by Naji Shafiri Zindashti involving members of criminal organizations like the Hells Angels to procure goods for Iran’s military apparatus. Iran’s eagerness to obtain American-made technology for its defense and surveillance systems poses a significant security challenge for the United States.

The use of these networks goes beyond procurement and has been linked to financing Hezbollah and other proxies. The US Department of Justice’s ongoing pursuit of individuals engaged in these schemes indicates the continuous struggle to impede Iran’s influence operations that span decades.

Propaganda Efforts

Perhaps the most pervasive and insidious threat highlighted in the research is the influence campaign orchestrated by Iran within American borders. The study identifies a vast network of mosques, cultural centers, and educational institutions tied to Tehran’s ideological mission. This network actively works to promote Iran’s worldview, glorify its leadership, and disseminate antisemitic and anti-American propaganda.

The Alavi Foundation, based in New York, emerges as the most significant player in Iran’s influence operations in the US. Founded initially by the Shah but later co-opted by the Iranian regime, Alavi’s operations span funding mosques, Islamic centers, and educational institutions across America. Despite numerous attempts by the US government to seize its assets, including a protracted legal battle over properties used to fund these activities, the foundation continues to operate, exerting substantial influence across American Muslim communities.

The report also underscores the role of cities like Dearborn, Michigan, as key hubs for Iranian influence, housing multiple institutions that disseminate Tehran’s narratives. Other prominent centers include the Islamic Education Center in Potomac, Maryland, and the Islamic Institute of New York, both of which are closely tied to the Iranian regime. These entities host events celebrating significant moments for Iran, such as the anniversary of the 1979 Iranian Revolution and Quds Day, events that reinforce loyalty to Iran among attendees and nurture anti-American sentiments.

The presence of these entities reveals Iran’s soft power strategy—a long-term attempt to shape the ideologies of American Muslims. Of particular concern are the schools affiliated with these centers, some of which have received state funding while teaching Tehran’s interpretation of Islam and political ideology to American children. This not only raises red flags regarding national security but also poses a direct challenge to integration and cohesion within the American societal fabric.

Implications and Future Developments

The report emphasizes the potential for procurement and propaganda networks to serve as recruitment pools for more direct and violent actions against the United States. The historical context provided, coupled with recent trends, suggests a plausible trajectory towards more sophisticated and internally orchestrated operations.

Hezbollah, identified as Iran’s most entrenched proxy in North America, exemplifies the enduring challenge posed by these networks. With over 140 prosecutions since 2000, primarily for financial and operational support roles, Hezbollah’s presence underscores the threat posed by foreign extremist organizations operating covertly within American borders.

The growing aggressiveness of Iranian and proxy actors in the Western Hemisphere, from Canada to Latin America, further highlights the geographical reach and adaptability of Iran’s strategy. Latin America, in particular, offers a permissive environment where Iran’s influence often goes unchecked, posing a significant security challenge not only to local nations but also to the US given their proximity.


GW University’s research offers a sobering and comprehensive analysis of the persistent and evolving threat posed by Iran and its proxies within the United States. By dissecting the layers of lethal operations, procurement schemes, and propaganda efforts, the study provides invaluable insights for policymakers, security professionals, and the general public.

As geopolitical tensions continue to escalate, the findings underscore the necessity for vigilant and coordinated efforts to counteract these multifaceted threats. Proactive measures, including enhanced intelligence sharing, stricter enforcement of sanctions, and community engagement to identify and mitigate propaganda influences, are crucial in safeguarding national security and maintaining the integrity of American institutions.

In conclusion, “Propaganda, Procurement and Lethal Operations: Iran’s Activities Inside America” serves as a critical resource in understanding and addressing the complex dynamics of foreign influence and extremism within the United States. It calls for a sustained and informed response to ensure resilience against such pervasive threats.