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Microsoft Security Copilot: Unleashing AI-Powered Defense in the New Era of Cybersecurity

Microsoft Security Copilot

Cybersecurity professionals face an uphill battle against sophisticated adversaries, struggling to identify threats amid overwhelming noise. With a global talent shortage resulting in 3.4 million unfilled positions, the need for innovative solutions is urgent.

Enter the new era of security, marked by the fusion of Microsoft’s leading security technologies with OpenAI’s GPT-4. With an end-to-end defense solution that empowers cybersecurity teams to operate at machine speed and scale, Microsoft Security Copilot is designed to empower defenders with new AI-powered cutting-edge technology.

Harnessing the power of GPT-4’s large language model (LLM) and Microsoft’s security-specific model, Security Copilot taps into global threat intelligence from 65 trillion daily signals. Running on Azure’s hyperscale infrastructure, it delivers an enterprise-grade security and privacy-compliant experience.

The innovative closed-loop learning system allows Security Copilot to continually improve through user feedback. Integrated with Microsoft’s security products and future third-party offerings, it evolves to help organizations defend themselves more effectively.

“Security Copilot is poised to become the connective tissue for all Microsoft security products. Importantly, it will integrate with third-party products, as well. This is a hard and fast requirement for an assistant that can provide comprehensive and consistent value.”

Allie Mellen, Senior Analyst, Forester Research

At its core, Security Copilot respects privacy and data ownership. Your data remains yours and is protected by comprehensive enterprise compliance and security controls. Collaboration is facilitated, empowering teams to accelerate incident response and develop collective skills.

Guided by three key principles, Security Copilot aims to simplify the complex, catch what others miss, and address the talent gap. It provides step-by-step guidance, surfaces prioritized threats in real time, and bolsters defender capabilities by continually learning and adapting.

Organizations leveraging Security Copilot can access unrivaled AI-driven security features, including:

  1. Ongoing access to advanced OpenAI models for demanding security tasks
  2. A continuously reinforced, security-specific model tailored to professionals’ needs
  3. Visibility and threat intelligence powered by 65 trillion daily signals
  4. Integration with Microsoft’s end-to-end security portfolio for a seamless experience
  5. A growing list of unique skills and prompts to elevate security teams

Delivering security AI responsibly is also a priority for Microsoft. By owning and controlling your data, you determine its use and monetization. Data is not utilized for AI model training outside your organization, and comprehensive security controls ensure protection at every step.

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